Table of Contents


Advergraphs - Phonograph Slogans, Phrases and Logos

An Age of Wonders - Wonders, Wizards and Aladdin's Lamp

Albert Spalding in the United States Aviation Corp

Apple Launches Apple Music - June 2015, The History of Sound - 127 Years of Recorded Music

"Artists Inside the Horn"

At Home or at the Opera

BEKA-RECORD Illustrations

"Both are...?" - The 1914 Victor Advertising Campaign

The Brownies and the Phonograph

Cable Addresses and the Phonograph

Carola - The Nightingale of Phonographs

Cather's Prototypes Who Were Recording Artists

Ernestine Schumann-Heink - Recording Artist and Willa Cather Prototype

Geraldine Farrar - Recording Artist and Willa Cather Prototype

Lillian Nordica - Recording Artist and Willa Cather Prototype

Lucrezia Bori - Recording Artist and Willa Cather Prototype

Mary Garden - Recording Artist and Willa Cather Prototype

Olive Fremstad - Recording Artist and Willa Cather Prototype

Children's Phonographs and Popular Culture Characters

Roy Rogers and the Phonograph

Children's Phonographs Table of Contents

Children's Phonographs (Gallery of Phonographs)

Pathé is Supreme

Portable Phonographs



Massani's "The Phonograph"

Phonograph Related Ads in January 1919 TMW

Phonograph Signs and Billboards

Phonograph Window Displays

The Phonograph with a Soul

Pre-1900 Ads - A Talking Machine for the Home

1900-1905 Ads - Delight and Music of the World

1905-1910 Ads - Welcome the Phonograph into the Home

1910-1915 Ads - The Phonograph in the Early Teens

1915-1920 Ads - The Phonograph in the Late Teens

1920-1930 Ads - The Phonograph in the Twenties

1930-1940 Ads - The Phonograph in the Thirties

1940-1945 Ads - The Phonograph in the Early Forties

1945-1950 Ads - The Phonograph in the Late Forties

Post 1950 Ads

RCA Victor's Golden Throat

Record Listening Booths

Santa, Christmas and the Phonograph

Shopping for a Phonograph

Silhouette Ads - Columbia

Silhouette Ads - Edison

The Stage of the World - The Best Seat in the House. Forever©

The "Talkers" Sentimental Side - Appealing to the customer's 'human' side

Tone, Fidelity and Realism

Victor Book of the Opera

Victor Supremacy

Visions of Artists in the Home

"Voice of the Violin" - A Moving Picture Ad for the Edison Diamond Disc

"Which is which?" The 1908 Victor Advertising Campaign

Winter Evenings - Never Dull with a Phonograph




Autostops - "Don't get up"

Believe it or Not Factolas!

Bottling Up Sound for Future Use

Connections and the Phonograph Industry

Courtships, Proposals and the Phonograph

December 6 and 25 - Santa, Christmas and the Phonograph

Dictionary of Phonographia

Nipper, Dogs and the Phonograph

Edison: From the Telephone and Telegraph Comes the Phongraph - An AMERICAN EXPERIENCE PBS video

Edison: Invention in Late 19th-Century America - An AMERICAN EXPERIENCE PBS video

Electrical Association Convention, 1892 - Phonographs on display

Enterprise Mfg. Trade Cards 1893 WCE - Assorted Enterprise products advertised with trade cards at the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893.

Exposition Universelle of 1889 and the Phonograph

Fairs, Festivals and the Phonograph

Generational Changes of Recorded Sound and the Phonograph

"Gone is the heyday of the vinyl record" - The Soundtrack to Your Life, With a Stream of Discoveries, 2012 New York Times

"Hello" for the Telephone Postcards

Hello or Ahoy? - "Halloo!" "Hello" and Edison

Kruesi - The Man Who Built Edison's First Phonograph

Learning About the Phonograph with Serendipitous Connections

"Like a Broken Record"- Sounds Like, Plays Like...

Monopoly and the Gramophone

Newspaper Clippings and the Phonograph pre-1895

Newspapers named The Phonograph in honor of T.A. Edison

Novel Uses of the Talking Machine

'-Ola' Talking Machine Brands

On this Day Phonograph Calendar

Phonographia Red-Letter Days

RPM Birthdays & Unbirthdays

Valentine's Day and the Phonograph

The Panama-Pacific International Exposition of 1915 (PPIE)

'Phone' & 'Graph' Brands

Phonograph as 'Dining' Entertainer

The Phonograph - The Evolution of a Revolution

The Phonograph Lives! - Voyager

The Phonograph and Politics - History & Humor

Popular Culture in 1877, the Year of the Phonograph


The Phonograph Goes to War

Phonograph Toys and Accessories

Regina Company, Phonographs and the What-if?

Revisionist History for the Birth and Life of the Talking-Machine

Sewing Machines and the Phonograph

Six Degrees of Separation

Summary List of Phonographia Factolas

Teddy Bears and the Phonograph

Telephone and "Hello" Sheet Music

Telephone Call Related Records

Thanksgiving and the Phonograph

Tut-mania and the Phonograph - King Tut and the Phonograph circa 1923

The Turkey Trot

Uncle Sam and Brother Jonathan: Salesmen 1876 - 1900

Uncle Sam and the Phonograph

Uncle Sam and The World's Columbian Exposition of 1893

Victor Recordrama Albums

What is an Opera? - The Victrola Book of the Opera, 1921

Why December 6th? Celebrating the Birthday of the Phonograph

William Jennings Bryan and the Phonograph

World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 and the Edison Electric Tower

World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 and The Electricity Building

World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 and the Kinetograph


Phonograph Museums

PhonoAvenue - Phonograph and Related Museums around the world

Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, Woodstock Music Festival Museum, Bethel, NY

The Charles H. Templeton Sr. Music Museum, Mississippi State University Library, MS

Charmsori Gramophone Museum and Edison Science Museum, Gangneung, South Korea

Deutsches Phonomuseum, Baden-W�rttemberg, Germany

Donley's Wild West Town, Union, IL

Dougherty Museum, Longmont, CO

Edison Ford Museum, Fort Meyers, FL

Edison National Historical Park Laboratory Complex - Virtual Tour

Edison's Menlo Park Laboratory, the Henry Ford, Greenfield Village, Michigan

Edison Museum, Beaumont, TX

Edison Phonograph Museum, Mount Pleasant, TX

Emil Berliner and the gramophone - A virtual exhibition by the Museumsstiftung Post und Telekommunikation.

Fort Wallace Museum, Wallace, KS

Grammophonicum Museum, Bregenz, Austria

The Grammy's Museum, Los Angeles, CA

Johnson Victrola Museum, Dover, NJ

Kanazawa Phonograph Museum Kanazawa, Ishikawa Japan

MAMI, Museum of Automated Musical Instruments, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo-ken 662-0088, Japan

Museum Collection, Moscow, Russia

Musical Instrument Museum, Phoenix, AZ

Music Makers Museum, Hillsboro, Ohio

Museum of Sound Discovery, Saint-Fargeau, France

The Music House Museum, Traverse City, MI

Nashville Musicians Hall of Fame Museum, Nashville, TN

National Museum of African American Music, Nashville, TN

National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland

Norwegian Museum of Science, Technology and Medicine, Norsk Teknisk Museum, Oslo

Paris Phono Museum, Paris, France

Pioneer Village, Minden, NE

RCA Studio B, Nashville, TN

The Riverdale Science Museum, Riverdale, USA

Riverside Museum, Glasgow, Scotland

Smithsonian National Museum of American History - Dolby Gateway to American Culture, Washington, D.C.

The Stagecoach Inn Museum, Newbury Park, CA

Thomas Edison Butchertown House, Louisville, KY


Phonograph On-Line Collections - Table of Contents


Phonograph Exhibits - Phonograph Displays as Temporary Exhibits

"Hear My Voice" - Alexander Graham Bell and the Origins of Sound Exhibition - Albert H. Small Documents Gallery, Smithsonian, January 26, 2015 to January 2016

The Axel and Betty Boilesen Phonograph Exhibit - Lincoln, NE, 2005

The Museum of American Heritage - Palo Alto, CA 2018

The Phonograph and Its Future - Westminster Public Library, September 2018

Phonopassion, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, 2019

Phono-Posts, Recorded audio for mailing, The Smithsonian Postal Museum, 2024

Revolutions per Minute Exhibit - SFO Museum, Terminal 2 San Francisco Airport, October 2011

Science Museum - "Turn It Up: The Power of Music, South Kensington, UK, 2024

Talking Clocks and the Phonograph - Westminster Public Library, September 2017

Vinyl Culture - Temporary Exhibit, Munich, Germany, December 2008


Phono-Sightings - Phonographs on display as part of another exhibit

Hearthstone Historic House Museum, Appleton, WI

Historic Park Museum, Frisco, CO

Museum of Making Music (MoMM), Carlsbad, CA

National Museum of American History - The Smithsonian, Washington, D.C.

Old Homestead House Museum, Cripple Creek, CO

Sentinel Newspaper Museum, Eureka, NV

Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer, Grand Island, NE


The Phonograph and its Future 1878 - Edison's Probabilities



Educational Purposes


Family Record

Phonographic Books




Advertising, etc

Speech and other Utterances

Perfect the telephone and revolutionize present systems of telegraphy

Abide - Poems by Jake Adam York, 2014

The Adventures of Uncle Jeremiah and Family at the Great Fair by Charles McCellan Stevens, 1893

Albumazar, The Phonogram, February 1892

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, 2014

Anam Cara - A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O'Donohue, 2022

Another Adventure of Elsie and the Bunny, Cadbury Ltd, c.1920's

Art & Max, by David Wiesner, 2010

Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space by Janna Levin, 2016

Black Rock Portraits on the Playa by Douglas Keister 1990

The Birthday Cake by Sven Nordqvist, 2005

The Boys' Own Phonograph by John Lewees, St. Nicholas, January 1880

The Castle of the Carpathians by Jules Verne, 1893

The Century World's Fair Book for Boys and Girls by Tudor Jenks, 1893

Children's Book of Music - Glimpses of Recorded Sound in Musical Performances, 2023

The Christmas of the Phonograph Records, by Mari Sandoz, 1966

The Christmas of the Phonograph Records - Newspapers and the Phonograph in Sheridan County

The Christmas Secret, by David Delamare, 1991

The City of Wonders Souvenir of the World's Fair by Mary Catherine Crowley, 1894

"Columbia and Victor" - A Vaudeville Act by Barto & Clark, 1918

Coming, Aphrodite! by Willa Cather, Youth and the Bright Medusa, 1920

Le Courrier V�ritable, Parisian pamphlet, 1632

Curious George Goes to the Hospital by Margret & H.A. Rey, 1966

Dead Musicians by Siegfried Sassoon, 1918

"The Death of Nancy" - A poem by Howard Taylor Middleton, 1910

The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson, 2003

From a Far Country - The Story of a Prima Donna's Birthday by Ina Brevoort Roberts, 1900

Gargantua and his son Pantagruel How among the frozen words Pantagruel found some odd ones. by Francois Rabelais, 1653

The Girl He Left Behind Him by Howard Taylor, The Talking Machine World, 1906

Good Night Sesame Street, Fisher-Price and Sesame Street, 1979

A Gravestone Made of Wheat by Will Weaver, 1989

The Greatest Marlys by Lynda Barry, 2016

Great First Nights at the Lyceum by Ellen Terry, McClure's Magazine, February 1908

Hauntiques by Thomas Kingsley Troupe, 2016

"Hail to Grandmas" by Dana Moseley, 1985

Hey Kid, Want to Buy a Bridge? - The Time Warp Trio by Jon Scieszka, 2002

How We Gave a Phonograph Party - The Phonoscope, December 1899

The Hurdy Gurdy Girl by Richard Carle - A Musical Comedy in 3 Acts, 1907

"Illustrated Records," A poem by Howard T. Middleton, 1909

The Image by Daniel J. Boorstin, 1962

The Jukebox Man by Jacqueline K. Ogburn, 1998

Just Imagine by Pippa Goodhart, 2012

Keeping Time by Tim Dooley, 2008

Kids Big Book of Time by William Edmonds, Readers Digest, 1994

Kitchen Disco - A Disc Jockey Named Banana and a Fruit Bowl of Fun, 2017

Looking Backward 2000-1887 by Edward Bellamy, 1888 (connections with the Théâtrophone)

Lost in the Grooves by Kim Cooper and David Smay, 2005

Love and Other Consolation Prizes by Jamie Ford, 2017

Love and the Phonograph - The Phonoscope, March 1899

"Ma Pettengill and the Song of Songs" by Harry Leon Wilson, The Saturday Evening Post, August 1915

McBroom's Ghost by Sid Fleischman, 1971

The Magic of Melody by Edgar March, Maclean's Magazine, August 15, 1933

Millie and the GEM Phonograph - A Love Story, The Phonogram June 1900

The Miraculous Phonograph Record by William Saroyan, The Saturday Evening Post, September,1983

The Misadventures of Cassidy by Edward S. Moffat, McClure's Magazine, May 1908

Mr. Openeer's Christmas - Phonograph Short Stories, The Phonoscope, November 1899

The Music Stops by E. M. Forster, 1909

My Dog by Fred Andrews, 1976

My Life and Hard Times by James Thurber, 1933

Needledee and Needledum - A Funnigraph Record by Peter Newell, 1914

No Escape From Black Holes? Stephen Hawking Points to a Possible Exit by Dennis Overbye, The New York Times, 2016

One of Ours by Willa Cather, 1922

The Patchwork Girl of Oz by L. Frank Baum, 1913

The Phonograph of Jean Bouvet by Henry S. Kingwell, The Talking Machine World, 1915

The Phonograph and the Graft by O. Henry, McClure's Magazine, 1903

The Phonograph on the Side of Justice and Truth - A French Play, The Talking Machine World, 1907

The Phonograph in 1614, The Phonogram, 1892

The Phonograph in Country Towns by a Local Phonograph Agent, The Phonogram, 1891

The Phonograph Girls and Columbia's Twentieth Century Phonograph, The Talking Machine World, 1906

The Phonograph Witness. A Drama in Five Acts by George W. Hill, 1883

Playette Phone Book by Larry Wise and M. Goldsmith, 1945

Pleasures of Music by Jacques Barzun, 1952

Point Counter Point by Aldous Huxley, 1928

The Record by Ray Bradbury, 1939

The Revenge of Analog - Real Things and Why They Matter by David Sax, 2016

The Rocket Book by Peter Newell, 1912

Round the Fire: VIII The Story of the Japanned Box by A. Conan Doyle, 1899

The Shallows by Nicholas Carr, 2011

Samantha at the World's Fair by Marietta Holley, 1893

Scandal and A Gold Slipper by Willa Cather, Youth and the Bright Medusa, 1920

The Singer's Heart by Harris Merton Lyon, McClure's Magazine, July 1908

The Song of the Lark by Willa Cather, 1915

Sounds by Allan P. Sanday & Illustrated by Bernard H. Robinson, 1975

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel, 2014

That Voice - A Phonograph related romance, The Red Cloud Chief, June 20, 1878

The Tables Turned - A Farce in One Act by John Kendrick Bangs, 1893

Phantoms & Phonographs by Ami Diane, 2019

The Phonograph by Le Trocaderoscope, 1878

Tea Rex by Molly Idle, 2013

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, 2003

The Tribulations of a Chinaman by Jules Verne, 1879

The Adventures of Uncle Jeremiah and Family at the Great Fair by Charles McCellan Stevens, 1893

The Valentines' Victrola by Harriet Lummis Smith, 1919

A Voyage to the Moon by Cyrano de Bergerac, 1899

Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories and other disasters by Jean Shepherd, 1971

The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot, lines 253-256 with Eliot's note for line 253 referencing V. Goldsmith, the song in The Vicar of Wakefield.

Welcome to Samantha's World 1904 - The American Girls Collection American Girl© 1999

What Happened to Mary, The Ladies' World, 1912-1913

With the Eyes Shut by Edward Bellamy, The Harper's New Monthly Magazine, October 1889


PhonoLithos - Lithographics for Toy Phonographs

PhonoMovie Ephemera - Stills, Lobby Cards and Moving Picture Clips with Phonograph related themes, scenes and machines

PhonoMovies - Phonographs in the Movies List and Links

PhonoMovie Clips and Cartoons

Betty Boop 's Crazy Invention - Max Fleischer's cartoon featuring a "Voice Recorder," (1933)

Booby Dupes - The Three Stooges (Columbia Pictures, 1945) (two scenes - Curly's 'Radio' in the Fish Truck and Saved by the Victrola)

Busy Bodies - Laurel and Hardy (©MGM 1933)

The Eiffel Tower, an Edison Record and Tomorrowland (Disney ©1999)

Edison, The Man starring Spencer Tracy and Rita Johnson. (©MGM 1940)

Flip the Frog - "The Office Boy" cartoon by Ub Iwerks, ©MGM, Released July 16, 1932

Gents without Cents - The Three Stooges (©Columbia Pictures, 1944)

Go Go Amigo - Daffy Duck and Speedy Gonzales (©Warner Bros., 1965)

High Fidelity - Movie Trailer (20 sec. excerpt) (©Touchstone Pictures ©2000)

High Fidelity - How to Organize Record Albums Discussion (Touchstone Pictures ©2000)

It's a Wonderful Life - Donna Reed smashes "Buffalo Gal" record (1947)

The Immortal Voice, Bray Studios 1923

Mr. Peabody's Improbable History - Ludwig Von Beethoven, cartoon (c. 1960) ©Jay Ward Productions.

The Night of the Iguana (©Seven Arts Productions, 1964)

Nipper Runs Amok! (1900) - Courtesy of EMI Archive Trust 1997).

Pluto's Blue Note (©Walt Disney, 1947)

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Mr. Know-It All - "How to Own a Hi-Fi on a Low Income and IQ" (c.1960) ©Jay Ward Productions.

Rocky & Bullwinkle - Mr. Know-It All - "How to Make a Hit Record." (c.1960) ©Jay Ward Productions.

Songcatcher (Touchstone ©2000)

The Stenographer's Friend, (or What was Accomplished by an Edison Business Phonograph), 1910 (Courtesy Library of Congress)

Toy Story 2 - "The Record Player Scene" (Walt Disney Productions ©1999)

A Very Long Engagement (Warner Bros. France ©2004)

The Voice of the Violin (Edison, 1915 - (Courtesy Library of Congress)

W.K.L. Dickson's Kinetophonographic Movie - Violin Solo Experiment c.1895 (Courtesy Library of Congress)


Phono Needle Art



Phonographs in Other Ads

Phonograph Floats


Assorted Post-1950 Cartoons

Assorted Pre-1950 Cartoons

Betty Boop

Blondie and Dagwood

Dennis the Menace

Donald Duck

Flip the Frog

Menace of Mechanical Music



Pluto's Blue Note

Political Humor

Rocky and Bullwinkle

Talking Machine World Cartoons

Talking Toy Humor

Tom and Jerry

Uncle Josh Stories and Records

The Yellow Kid and Pore Lil Mose

What day is it? - George & Gracie

Phono-wear - Apparel, Accessories, and Sartorial Phonographians

Sheet Music with Phono Cover Art

Stereoviews and the Phonograph

Valentine Cards

Vaudeville and the Phonograph - The Graphophone Girl

Vogue Picture Discs


Records, Albums and Playlists


Record & Album Factolas

The 150 Greatest Albums Made by Women - NPR List 2017 - Turning the Tables

The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time by Rolling Stone 2020

Bob Dylan Bringing It All Back Home

Comedy on Records - Comedy recordings from cylinder to vinyl

Cut Yourself a Piece of Cake - 1923 Comedy Song Hit with connected ephemera & advertising

Fire - Bruce Springsteen's Side B

First LP Album - Columbia in 1948

Furthest Distance from Earth a Record Played on a Turntable

Gallery of Multi-Media Phonograph and Magic Lantern Recreated Presentations

The Hokey-Pokey

The "Hound Dog" Original Recording

"Jingle Bells" and "Sleighride Party"

Mighty Mouse Theme Song and Andy Kaufman

Miss Marie Narelle singing Killarney with Magic Lantern Presentation

The Moody Blues' The Present album cover

NASA Beams Song "Across The Universe" Into Deep Space

Nipper in Time after Time Music Video - Cyndi Lauper

The "Our Song" Phenomenon in Popular Culture

The Phonograph, Soundtracks and the Movies

PhonoLyrics - A Discography with Phonograph related references

Pure Prairie League - Dreams of Long Ago

Record Albums and Album Covers - A Brief History

Recordrama Albums - RCA Victor

Resonating Music - Taylor Swift Records


The Star Spangled Banner - Sheet Music, Records, Moving and Talking Pictures

Video Game Soundtracks on Vinyl

Vinyl Record Resurgence - 2019


What Tree Rings Sound Like Played on a Record Player



1896 Private Christmas Programme - Berliner Gramophone's Playlist

Cylinder records as referenced in The Christmas of the Phonograph Records by Mari Sandoz

New Victor Records Released for January 1919

Panama-Pacific International Exposition Playlist

Playlist of Ten Edison Records by William Jennings Bryan

Rally Playlists - What do they say about the 2020 Presidential candidates?

Thanksgiving Record Menu for Knoske's Music Store - Thanksgiving 1906

Top Fives, Playlists and More

World War I Playlist of phonograph records connected with One of Ours by Willa Cather

Six Degrees of Separation Stories and Other Musings by DB

"Canned Music - Share a Coke and a Song" - Doug Boilesen 2016

Dearborn or Bust 1967 - The trip to Greenfield Village and Edison's Menlo Park in my 1917 Model T - Doug Boilesen - 2015

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover...Unless is has a Phonograph on it - Discovering Abide by Jake Adam York - Doug Boilesen 2019

Hats off to the Phonograph! - About the unpublished book

"Home on the Range" - Connections and an "Our Song" - Doug Boilesen 2017

Public Libraries as Record Lenders - Nutley Public Library 2017 - Doug Boilesen 2020


Barney, F. M. (1912) - Barney's story of Ezra Meeker coming into his store and recording 3 records, Elm Creek, NE

Boilesen, Axel (2000) - The Edison Amberola and The Jolly Coppersmith, Cotesfield, NE

Boilesen, Axel (2009) - Playing an Edison Amberola - "On the Beach Medley" (30 second video)

Boilesen, Betty Barr (2000) - Playing School - My first memory of the Phonograph, Elba, NE

Boilesen, Doug ( 2001) - The Our Song Phenomenon - "The Red River Rock"

Boilesen, Doug and Doug Keister (2012) - How Axel and Doug Boilesen acquired the John Johnson 5"x7" glass negatives in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1965

Boilesen, Doug (2001) - This is Our Tune...Remember? This is Our Tune...Remember?

Boilesen, Doug (2018) - Axel and Betty's First Radio-Phonograph

Boilesen, Doug (2018) - Phonographia and One Perspective on Collecting

Boilesen, James (2018) - "I am a Friend of the Phonograph."

Buffett, Peter * (2010) - Excerpt from Life Is What You Make It about music and an early repair made on the family phonograph

Byron, Eric (2019) - "My Fascination with Early Phonographs and Sound Recordings"

Cicotte, Eddie (1915) - A baseball star would enjoyed listening to phonograph records

Copp, Jim * (2018) - A tribute to one of the most creative storytellers on record written by David Owen in The New Yorker, 2018

Deems, Frank M. (1892) - Remembering the first time I met Edison and saw the phonograph in March 1878.

Flammarion, Camille - March 11, 1878 - "A day to be remembered, for its proceedings were absurd."

Friday, Frances Robinson * (1998) - Avalon Town, the chamber pot and the Victrola

Goldberg, Myla * - 2006 - Hanging on the Gramophone (Spin Magazine)

Gordon, Barbara * (1979) - The Menace of Constant Noise (I'm Dancing as Fast as I Can)

A Grandson's Gift -- A Spotlight -- For His Grandfather's WWII Band - an NPR report by Taylor Haney March 20, 2021

Hathaway, Anne * (2011) - Tribute to Meryl Streep during the 34th Annual Kennedy Centre Honors with gramophone on stage

Hawthorne School (1998) - Second graders learn about the Phonograph, Hawthorne Elementary School, Lincoln, NE

Jenkins, Dan * (2014) - Listening to the Mills Brothers on my mom's RCA Victor phonograph.

Jester, Ron (2025) - "Ron's Wild World"

Keillor, Garrison * (2017) - Memories of bringing my LP to our youth church group so that they could listen to Handel's Messiah

Keister, Douglas (2007) - Field Report on Obsessive Phonograph Collecting Disorder Submitted by Douglas Keister HSD AAC

Keister, Douglas (2020) - "The Machine"

Keister, Kim (2020) - Life, Music, and the Harman-Kardon Incident

Kennedy, Mark * (2021 - Holiday Gift Ideas for the Music Lover 2021 - Mark Kennedy AP Entertainment Writer)

Klein, Ezra and Emily St. John Mandel * - 2022 - Art as Time Batteries, Recorded Sound and R.E.M.

Knightley, Keira and Steve Carell * (2012) - Seeking a Friend for the End of the World, Focus Features

Koenigsberg, Allen (2023) - Table of Contents for Articles by Allen Koenigsberg

Koss, John C. * (2022) - Remembering the man who brought high-quality personal stereophonic sound to generations of listeners.

Loving an Album to Death Makes a Music Fan for Life - Darrin Wolsko* - All Things Considered 2012

McKee, Pete *(2021) - Thoughts about vinyl, record stores, the life of records, DJs, and music used in his 2021 Thud Crackle Pop Digital Remaster Exhibition.

Mendenhall, John * - Memories of Nipper and Character Trademarks

McCartney, Paul * (2020) - Celebrating his Friends of the Phonograph 78 RPM Birthday and "Spinning at 78"

Middleton, Howard Taylor (1907) - The Talking Machine Club

Millar, Jay (2023) - Elvis and our console stereo

Mom and Dad's Record Collection - Stories Our Parents Taught Us - All Things Considered 2012

Moss, Mr. R. Llewellyn (1911) - Remembering the first time he heard an Edison Phonograph, January 1878

Marty, Margaret * (2019) - A Valentine for Victrola - On keepsakes and a found Valentines Day card from Dad to Mom, Courtesy of The Pine City Pioneer

Murphy, Colleen * (2016) - "My first turntable was a life-changer" (from her BBC Sounds "Turntable Tales - Berliner to Gramophone")

Orlando, Andy (2009) - Our phonograph in Dos Palos, California, and other memories

Orlando, Judy (2018) - Memories of growing up, family, music and the phonograph

Parks, Van Dyke * (2020) - Memories of my parents Magnavox and records

Patchett, Ann * (2011) - Dreaming Of 'California' From Far Away - Interviewed by Melissa Block as part of NPR Music's 2011 Winter Series. (Click the 4-minute Listen) (8)

"A Record Find - The Phantom of the Opera - How it led me to a long-lost musical treasure in Paris" By Michael Walsh Smithsonian magazine, February 2008

Rivett, Tom * (2013) - A boy's voice from 1954 lost and found, Lincoln, NE by Cindy Lange-Kubick, The Lincoln Journal-Star

Rogers, Will * (1923) - Timely Topics

"Santa Claus Speaks" by Karen Fishman and Bryan Cornell 2015 - Library of Congress "Now See Hear! The National Audio-Visual Conservation Center Blog - "Santa Claus Tells About his Toy Shop by Gilbert Girard, 1916 (Victor Record 35679) and "Santa Claus Gives Away his Toys" by Gilbert Girard, 1916 (Victor Record 35679)

Satan Comes to Crawley Bottom - As told to Douglas Keister - 2020

Shaw, Wendy (2021) - Shocking memories of the phonograph

Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton in Antarctica 1907-09 - Shackleton's 1907-09 expedition in his own recorded words

Sharp, Maia * (2009) - "Kodachrome" - Interviewed by Melissa Block as part of NPR Music's 2009 Summer Series. (Click the 3-minute Listen) (9)

Steffes, Judy * (2015) - Memories of growing up in West Bend, WI, with the family phonograph in the dining room

Stone, Gary (2021) - "My grandparents radio store inspired my appreciation for phonographs and radios."

Strock, Clancy * (2004) - My Grandfather Strock's Victrola, and more...Reminisce Magazine

Terkel, Studs * (2005) - "Caruso"

Thurber, James * (1933) -  My mother's greatest dread was the Victrola

Von Kampen, Andrea * (2021) - The purchase of Von Kampen's vinyl album by Prince Charles at Hafod Hardware, Rhayader, Wales

Wang, Oliver * (2015) - Baby's First Record (and Record Player) - Cuepoint

Wilson, William* (2023) - Wilson's Edison Concert Phonograph c.1903 at a raffle - Kansas Historical Society

Wittmann Company (1902) - One of the Edison Dealers Suspended by Edison

Young, Loretta* (1936) - Her favorite records were Stephen Foster's melodies.

You Tell on Yourself (2012) By the Friends You Keep and the Records You Play - Author Unknown


Adventures of a Cyclist - A Magic Lantern Presentation accompanied by The Edison Concert Band playing Ye Ancients March, Edison Gold Moulded Record No. 8946 (1905)

Adventures of Mr. Snapshot - A Magic Lantern Presentation accompanied by The Edison Military Band performing American Students' Waltzes, Edison Record No. 8740 (1904)

America - A Magic Lantern Presentation with artwork by Joseph Boggs Beale and accompanied by The Indestructible Military Band performing The Star Spangled Banner and America, Indestructible Record No. 3943 (1908)

Annie's Treat - A Magic Lantern Presentation accompanied by an 1896 Regina music box playing The Nightingale Song.

Are Mr. and Mrs. Snapshot at Home? - A Magic Lantern Presentation accompanied by brown wax cylinder recording of Nanon Waltz, circa 1891-1893.

Break the News to Mother - A Magic Lantern Presentation accompanied by J.W. Myers singing Break the News to Mother, Columbia Records.

A Christmas Carol - A Magic Lantern Presentation using Newton & Co. Slides (1884) of Charles Dicken's story accompanied by The Carol Singers performing "God rest you, merry gentlemen" on Edison Blue Amberol Record No. 3346 (1917)

A Christmas Carol - A dramatized presentation featuring illustrations from print editions (1844-1915) and the recording of The Awakening of Scrooge on Edison Amberol Record No. 12378 (1911) performed by Bransby Williams as Ebenezer Scrooge who awakens on Christmas Day.

The Clubb Song Illustrator - An attachment which projects views to accompany a phonograph record.

The Cyclists' Elopement - A Magic Lantern Presentation illustrated by Bamforth & Co., (1897) accompanied by Peaceful Henry played by The Edison Concert Band, Edison Gold Moulded Record No. 8562 (1903)

Peaceful Henry - Edison Record No. 8562 Release Notes:The Edison Phonograph Monthly 1903; Sheet Music, Dealer Programme

Edison: From the Telephone and Telegraph Comes the Phonograph (An AMERICAN EXPERIENCE PBS video)

Edison: Invention in Late 19th-Century America (An AMERICAN EXPERIENCE PBS video)

Fitness, Flappers and Phonograph Records - PBS History Detectives - Wallace Rogerson's Exercise Records

Geraldine Farrar as Marguerite singing "The Jewel Song" in the 1919 film The World and Its Woman

Happy Birthday Song for Friends of the Phonograph - a.k.a. Your Birth Anniversary Song

Happy New Year - Auld Lang Syne - Phonograph ephemera accompanied by Auld Lang Syne performed by the Mediaval Baebes, 2014

Here Comes Peter Cottontail, Easter and the Phonograph - Phonograph connected Easter postcards accompanied by Gene Autry singing Here Comes Peter Cottontail, 1950

Killarney - A Magic Lantern Presentation accompanied by Miss Marie Narelle singing Killarney, Edison Gold Moulded Record No. 9081 (1905).

The Mickey Mouse Talkie-Jecktor

Nursery Rhymes - A Magic Lantern Presentation Illustrated by W. Butcher & Sons, London (ca. 1910) accompanied by Thousand-and-One Nights Waltz played by the Edison Concert Band (1908)

Party Line - A Customer Service skills training film by Western Electric Company and the Bell Telephone System (in the era of teenagers and the phonograph.)

The Phonograph - An American Experience PBS video - This excerpt from PBS's 2015 Edison focuses on Edison's December 7, 1877 demonstration of his phonograph at the New York City offices of Scientific American and the fame it brought him.

The Phonograph and Santa - An excerpt from Thomas A. Edison's 1905 moving picture The Night Before Christmas accompanied by Gene Autry's 1953 record Up on the Housetop.

Phonograph Attachments for Multimedia Presentations - Phono-Movies

Ring Out the Bells for Christmas - Phonograph ephemera accompanied by Ring Out the Bells for Christmas, Edison Record No. 9806 (1907)

The Song of Mr. Phonograph - 2016 Version by ©Nick Jester and ©2020 Phonographia

Snowball Fight in Lyon, France 1897 - A Lumiere brothers film accompanied by Snow Queen performed by the Indestructible Military Band (1909)

Uncle Josh and the Lightning Rod Agent - Uncle Josh's encounter with a Lightning Rod Agent from his 1905 book Uncle Josh's Punkin Centre Stories by Cal Stewart, "The Talking Machine Story Teller.

Uncle Josh on a Bicycle - Uncle Josh's rides a bicycle for the first time from his 1905 book Uncle Josh's Punkin Centre Stories by Cal Stewart, "The Talking Machine Story Teller."

The Victrola at Wanamakers for 1910 Lenten Lecture on Wagner's "Parsifal" using lantern slides and voices of opera stars.

W.K.L. Dickson Greets Friends of the Phonograph - William Dickson moving hat from one hand to another, Edison Studio, May 1891 Courtesy Library of Congress accompanied by Edison Record "Blue Ribbon March"

Workers Exit the Lumière Factory in Lyon, France 1895 - A Lumiere brothers film accompanied by Everybody Works But Father sung by Bob Roberts (1905)


The Phonogram, August 1902


PhonoMovie Clips and Cartoons - Link


Miscellaneous media and Playlists

1915 San Francisco March sung by Henry Burr and Albert Campbell, Columbia Records 1914 - YouTube video created by abendstunde49 (2013).

Anita Stewart - Hitch Your Wagon to the Stars

The John Johnson 5"x7" glass negatives - How Axel and Doug Boilesen acquired them in in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1965. - Doug Boilesen and Doug Keister 2012

Making a wax recording (Demonstration by Henry Ford Museum)

The Moment the Guns Fell Silent - WW1 Armistice Interpretation (Sound Installation) by Coda to Coda, 2018

The Sneeze - Filmed on January 7, 1894 (Kinetoscopic Record from Library of Congress and film)

Submarine Attack" A "Talking" Book, The Talking Book Corporation, Emerson Records 1919

Talking Photos "Speak for Themselves" -TBD

Uncle Sam and Kaiser Bill - Motion toy phonograph attachment, National Toy Co., 1919

Violin Solo, W.K.L. Dickson Experiment (c. 1895)


Supplemental Connections, References and Annotations

The Bell-Tainter U Graphophone by Shawn ORourke - Bell-Tainter series of phonographs. This video demonstrates a new discovery of a Bell-Tainter U Graphophones produced in 1897.

"The Birth of the Star Spangled Banner," Edison 1914 silent film.

The "Blue Dogs" Album Cover - a metaphorical example of an Album Cover.

Brother Jonathan and Uncle Sam - Canadian Caricatures 1849 - 1878

Disquaires de Paris - Using an interactive

Edison Bust in Library of Laboratory and other busts. (Harper's Weekly, May 1891)

Geraldine Farrar in The Victor Book of Opera published by the Victor Talking Machine Company, 1921

Gertie the Dinosaur - Moving Comics - TBD

Glasgow Main Street - Glasgow shops on a cobbled street circa 1930's are featured in the time-travel exhibit at Riverside Museum, Glasgow, Scotland (with no phonographs).

Helen Fulton - Leading Actress in "Voice of the Violin," 1915 Edison silent movie

High School Graduation 2023 - An example of how easily memories are recorded in the 21st century.

Hotpoint Electric Kitchen Appliance ads (Edison General Electric Appliance Co.)

"The Ideal Amanuensis" Circular Letter from North American Phonograph Co. to Businesses, September 18, 1893

"If It Could Have Been. A Retrospective," by Col. Robert G. Ingersoll and the Garden of Eden. The Phonogram, January 1, 1891.

"I Forgot My Phone" by Charlene deGuzman, 2013 (a.k.a., "The Family Scrapbook of the 21st Century!")

"Jingle Bells" - The first Christmas record.

The Kinetoscope - An American Experience PBS video

Little Nemo - Moving Comics - TBD

Phonogram Images on Paper, 1250-1950 by Patrick Feaster - Presentation given by Patrick Feaster at the annual conference of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections in Los Angeles, May 12, 2011.

Pop Culture Madness - A personal website of Lists - Tops 100's, Top 10's, Number One Hits and many related lists by Joe Hummel III.

The Theatrophone - Brief history of the Theatrophone.

Uncle Sam and Brother Jonathan Illustrations - Frank Leslie's, Harper's Weekly and other newspapers, 1875 - 1878

"Uncle Sam Illustrations - Puck and Judge, 1880 - 1900" for additional illustrations in popular culture newspapers.

Willa Cather: The Road Is All - PBS American Master's segment from the film which explored Cather's role as the managing editor of McClure''s magazine.

Willa Cather and William Jennings Bryan

Yesterday's Mainstreet - Chicago 1910 - Museum of Science and Industry





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